A Step in the Right Direction

28 Aug 2016

I choose Computer Engineering originally because I liked robots, gaming, and physics. It only seemed logical that CENG would delve into my interests more than any other major. What I didn’t expect, was that there would be so much programming involved. I’d heard about programming before, but was apprehensive about doing it. Little did I know, that I would come to actually like doing it in the following years.

Throughout my time here at UH, I’ve created many programs ranging from text games to path finders to web pages. These are fine and all, but I have yet to make anything actually useful to society. I have yet to make that “killer app” that everyone simply must have. I have yet to receive thanks from someone for how useful they find my program..

That is where I hope Software Engineering can help me. I hope to learn enough in this course to make a career out of developing software for a living. I am eager to learn about modern day software engineers and to study their habits. As I start my semester in Software Engineering, I hope that when it’s all over, I can look ahead with confidence in myself and my ability to create practical, useful software.